Tropical, Graphical & Animated Weather for the Western Atlantic

National Weather

Fronts Days 1-3

Fronts 1-3 Day

Fronts Days 3-7

Fronts 3-7 Day

Fronts Interactive 7 Day

Fronts Forecast Image

La Niña conditions are expected to persist in the near-term, with a transition to ENSO-neutral likely during March-May 2025 (66% chance).(According to the CPC)

Three Day Low Tracks

Tropical Atlantic GOES-East

Tropical Atlantic GOES-East


Radar Image

Lightning Strike Density

Sea Surface Temperatures

30 ° C is approximately 86 ° F

SAL & Dry Air

Image Credit: CIMSS - Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies


Florida Weather & Marine, Watches, Warnings and Alerts

All Florida Watches, Warnings and Advisories for the state of Florida.

Florida Weather Menu covering entire state. Coastal and inland counties. Alerts, watches and warning includes with each forecast.

View All Western Atlantic Marine Zone Watches, Warnings and Advisories.

View Marine Forecast for Coastal South Eastern United States. Covering NC, SC, GA, East Coast FL, Florida Straits, PR & USVI.

Gulf of Mexico Marine Watches, Warnings and Advisories for the entire Gulf of Mexico.

Marine Forecast for the entire Gulf Of Mexico