Hourly East Florida Surf Report & 16-day Surf Forecast

Today's Wave height and wind

Wednesday February 19 4:45 PM EST

Aloha East coast this is the machine with the Wednesday afternoon surf report. partly sunny into the hour. Surf is up! Check it. Chest to shoulder high. Offshore winds in the mix. Wave height of 3.6 ft on the 41009 and period is at 9 seconds. Occasional wave heights around 5.1 ft on sets at select spots and tides. Outgoing tide at 0.6 ↓ ft. right now at Cocoa Beach. Currently in Brevard northwest winds 6 to 8 knots. Water Temperature is 76°. Air Temperature 78°. Later on across the region Southwest winds 10 to 15 knots.

Sunset is at 6:16 pm. The moon phase is Waning Gibbous at 54% illumination and next main phase is Last Quarter on 2-20.

Planning on beach or watersport activities today; 1 hour and 42 minutes till Last Light.

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16 Day Surf Forecast

Pro wind and wave forecast. The breakdown below is more in-depth and covers 16 days for advanced users.

North Florida

Jacksonville: Mayport Poles, Huguenot Park, Atlantic Beach and Jacksonville Beach Pier.

St. Augustine: Crescent Beach, St. Augustine Pier and surrounding breaks.

Flagler: Painters Hill, Flagler Pier and surrounding breaks.

Daytona Beach: Sunglow Pier and surrounding breaks.

Ponce Inlet : New Smyrna Beach and surrounding breaks.

Central Florida

Cocoa Beach: Westgate Pier, Lori Wilson and Surf Drive.

Satellite Beach: RCs, Hightower and Tables.

Melbourne Beach: Indialantic Boardwalk, Spessard Holland, and Spanish House.

Sebastian Inlet: Also Monster Hole.

Fort Pierce Inlet: and Surrounding areas.

South Florida

Palm Beach Inlet: Pumphouse and Reef Rd.

Boca Raton Inlet: South Inlet Park and the Deerfield Beach Pier.

Haulover Inlet South Beach and surrounding breaks.

Classic 16 day Forecast

Forecast for Wednesday 19th of February 2025 thru Wednesday 26th of February 2025

East Florida Surf Report 1-8 Day for wind and waves.

Forecast for Thursday 27th of February 2025 thru Thursday 6th of March 2025

East Florida Surf Report 9-16 Day for wind and waves.


East Florida Tides for over 170 locations.

Always plenty of updates to the 16 day surf forecasts. Check out the live beach cams on this page, the free 16-day surf forecasts and weekly weather forecast, Marine Forecast, Marine Alerts and Weather Alerts. Also the latest buoy data, weather observations, tides, Sunrise, Sunsets and more. All on this page. Stay tuned to the Wx tab monitoring the tropics, cold fronts and models tab for an in depth look at the sea state. This report was updated and created at 4:45 pm. This is the secret spot on the web with all the relevant East Florida surf data. Updated every fifteen minutes (24/7.) Have an awesome afternoon.

Marine Forecast & Alerts

View All Current watches, warnings, and advisories for West N. Atlantic Ocean.

View All Current watches, warnings, and advisories for Northwest N. Atlantic Ocean.

Synopsis for Flagler Beach to Jupiter Inlet out to 60 nm

A prolonged period of offshore flow is forecast into early next week with decreasing winds and seas.

View Marine Forecast for Coastal South Eastern United States. Covering NC, SC, GA, East Coast FL, Florida Straits, PR & USVI.

Weather , Watches, Warnings and Advisories

Freeze Watch issued February 19 at 2:44PM EST until February 21 at 9:00AM EST by NWS Jacksonville FL
Affected Areas: Suwannee; Baker; Inland Nassau; Union; Bradford; Gilchrist; Eastern Hamilton; Coastal Nassau; Eastern Alachua; Western Hamilton; Trout River; Western Clay; Western Alachua; Western Putnam; Central Marion; Northern Columbia; Western Marion; Southeastern Columbia; Western Duval; Southwestern Columbia; Coastal Glynn; Coastal Camden
Freeze Watch

Note: Alerts posted in this section above are filtered to display these Florida Counties: Brevard, Indian River, St Lucie, Martin, Volusia, Maimi Dade, Palm Beach, Nassau, Duval,Flagler and St Johns.

Florida Weather Menu covering entire state. Coastal and inland counties. Alerts, watches and warning includes with each forecast.

All Florida Watches, Warnings and Advisories for the state of Florida.

Weather Forecasts East Florida

New: Florida Weather Menu covering entire state. Coastal and Inland Counties.

Sun Rise & Set

February 19, 2025 (Wednesday)

First Light7:30 am
Sunrise7:55 am
Sunset7:16 pm
Last Light7:41 pm

February 20, 2025 (Thursday)

First Light7:29 am
Sunrise7:54 am
Sunset7:17 pm
Last Light7:42 pm

Moon Phase

Current moon phase is Waning Gibbous. Percentage of moon's disk illuminated is 54% and gradually becomes less illuminated. The next main phase is Last Quarter on 2-20. This begins in 20 hours and 49 minutes. The present lunar month and orbital period is 29 days, 14 hours and 21 minutes . The Moon's age and time elapsed into this period is 21 days, 8 hours and 7 minutes. Astronomical Moon phases below:

02-20 12:34 PM Last Quarter
02-27 7:46 PM New Moon
03-06 11:33 AM First Quarter
03-14 2:55 AM Full Moon

The February Full Moon is also known as the Snow Full Moon.

Cape Canaveral Tides

02-19 5:39 AM 0.51 ft Low Tide
02-19 11:31 AM 2.69 ft High Tide
02-19 6:02 PM 0.10 ft Low Tide
02-20 12:21 AM 2.68 ft High Tide
02-20 6:28 AM 0.68 ft Low Tide
02-20 12:17 PM 2.56 ft High Tide
02-20 6:56 PM 0.18 ft Low Tide
02-21 1:20 AM 2.59 ft High Tide
02-21 7:30 AM 0.78 ft Low Tide
02-21 1:15 PM 2.48 ft High Tide
02-21 7:59 PM 0.19 ft Low Tide

41009 Buoy

Canaveral Offshore
Timestamp 03:50 PM EST
Swell Direction : 76 ° ENE
Wave height: 3.6 ft
Dominant Wave Period : 9 s
Average Wave Period : 5.2 s
TimeWave HeightPeriodDirection
03:50 PM EST3.69ENE
03:20 PM EST3.96ESE
12:20 PM EST3.610E
11:20 AM EST3.35ESE
10:50 AM EST3.95ESE
10:20 AM EST3.65ESE
09:50 AM EST3.95ESE
08:50 AM EST3.95ESE
08:20 AM EST3.95E
07:50 AM EST3.95ESE
07:20 AM EST4.35ESE
05:50 AM EST4.35ESE
04:50 AM EST3.95ESE
03:50 AM EST3.95E
02:50 AM EST3.95E
01:20 AM EST3.94E
12:20 AM EST3.610E
11:50 PM EST3.64ESE
11:20 PM EST3.610E
10:20 PM EST3.39ENE

41113 Buoy

Offshore Fernandina
Timestamp 03:56 PM EST
Swell Direction : 111 ° ESE
Wave height: 2.2 ft
Dominant Wave Period : 5 s
Average Wave Period : 4.6 s
TimeWave HeightPeriodDirection
03:56 PM EST2.35ESE
03:26 PM EST2.35ESE
02:56 PM EST2.35ESE
02:26 PM EST2.35ESE
01:56 PM EST2.35ESE
01:26 PM EST2.65ESE
12:56 PM EST2.65ESE
12:26 PM EST2.65ESE
11:56 AM EST2.65ESE
11:26 AM EST3.05ESE
10:56 AM EST3.05ESE
10:26 AM EST3.05ESE
09:56 AM EST2.65ESE
09:26 AM EST3.05ESE
08:56 AM EST3.05ESE
08:26 AM EST3.05ESE
07:56 AM EST3.35ESE
07:26 AM EST3.35ESE
06:56 AM EST3.05ESE
06:26 AM EST3.05ESE

41117 Buoy

St. Augustine
Timestamp 03:56 PM EST
Swell Direction : 104 ° ESE
Wave height: 3.2 ft
Dominant Wave Period : 5 s
Average Wave Period : 4.3 s
TimeWave HeightPeriodDirection
03:56 PM EST3.35ESE
03:26 PM EST3.35E
02:56 PM EST3.35E
02:26 PM EST3.35ESE
01:56 PM EST3.05ESE
01:26 PM EST3.34E
12:56 PM EST3.35E
12:26 PM EST3.010E
11:56 AM EST3.04E
11:26 AM EST2.65ENE
10:56 AM EST2.611E
10:26 AM EST2.69E
09:56 AM EST2.68ENE
09:26 AM EST2.610E
08:56 AM EST2.68ENE
08:26 AM EST2.69E
07:56 AM EST2.610E
07:26 AM EST2.611E
06:56 AM EST2.610E
06:26 AM EST2.311E

41008 Buoy

Greys Reef GA
Timestamp 03:20 PM EST
Swell Direction : 47 ° NE
Wave height: 3.9 ft
Dominant Wave Period : 5 s
Average Wave Period : 4.1 s
TimeWave HeightPeriodDirection
03:20 PM EST3.95NE
02:20 PM EST3.65NE
01:20 PM EST3.010ESE
12:20 PM EST3.010ESE
11:20 AM EST3.08ESE
10:50 AM EST2.610ESE
10:20 AM EST3.010ESE
09:50 AM EST3.010ESE
09:20 AM EST3.010ESE
08:50 AM EST3.010SE
08:20 AM EST3.09ESE
07:50 AM EST2.610ESE
07:20 AM EST3.010ESE
06:20 AM EST2.610ESE
05:50 AM EST3.08ESE
04:50 AM EST3.09ESE
04:20 AM EST3.310E
03:50 AM EST3.06NE
03:20 AM EST3.35NE
02:50 AM EST3.35NE

41114 Buoy

Canaveral Nearshore
Timestamp 03:56 PM EST
Swell Direction : 113 ° ESE
Wave height: 2.9 ft
Dominant Wave Period : 5 s
Average Wave Period : 4.4 s
TimeWave HeightPeriodDirection
03:56 PM EST3.05ESE
03:26 PM EST3.310ENE
02:56 PM EST3.010ENE
02:26 PM EST3.010ENE
01:56 PM EST3.010ENE
01:26 PM EST3.010ENE
12:56 PM EST3.05ESE
12:26 PM EST3.06ENE
11:56 AM EST3.05E
11:26 AM EST3.09ENE
10:56 AM EST3.010NE
10:26 AM EST3.05ENE
09:56 AM EST3.35ENE
09:26 AM EST3.06ENE
08:56 AM EST3.36ENE
08:26 AM EST3.65ESE
07:56 AM EST3.65E
07:26 AM EST3.66ENE
06:56 AM EST3.95E
06:26 AM EST3.95E

41112 Buoy

Ft. Pierce
Timestamp 03:56 PM EST
Swell Direction : 37 ° NE
Wave height: 3.6 ft
Dominant Wave Period : 4 s
Average Wave Period : 3.9 s
TimeWave HeightPeriodDirection
03:50 PM EST3.69ENE
03:20 PM EST3.96ESE
12:20 PM EST3.610E
11:20 AM EST3.35ESE
10:50 AM EST3.95ESE
10:20 AM EST3.65ESE
09:50 AM EST3.95ESE
08:50 AM EST3.95ESE
08:20 AM EST3.95E
07:50 AM EST3.95ESE
07:20 AM EST4.35ESE
05:50 AM EST4.35ESE
04:50 AM EST3.95ESE
03:50 AM EST3.95E
02:50 AM EST3.95E
01:20 AM EST3.94E
12:20 AM EST3.610E
11:50 PM EST3.64ESE
11:20 PM EST3.610E
10:20 PM EST3.39ENE

TRDF1 Wind Station

Trident Pier
Timestamp: 03:54 PM EST
Wind Direction : 310 ° NW
Wind Speed: 5.7 kts
Wind Gusts: 7.6 kts
Baromertic Pressure: 1013.0 mb
Air Temperature: 78 °f
Water Temperature: 76 °f
TimeWind ktsGusts ktsCardinal
03:00 PM 9.513.3W
02:00 PM 7.69.5W
01:00 PM 9.511.4SW
12:00 PM 13.317.1WSW
11:00 AM 9.513.3SW
10:00 AM 11.413.3SW
09:00 AM 9.511.4SW
08:00 AM 3.87.6SSE
07:00 AM 1.91.9ESE
06:00 AM 3.83.8SE

LKWF1 Wind Station

Lake Worth
Timestamp: 03:54 PM EST
Wind Direction : 180 ° S
Wind Speed: 15.2 kts
Wind Gusts: 17.1 kts
Baromertic Pressure: 1013.4 mb
Air Temperature: 76 °f
Water Temperature: 76 °f
TimeWind ktsGusts ktsCardinal
03:00 PM 15.219S
02:00 PM 17.120.9S
01:00 PM 15.217.1S
12:00 PM 15.217.1S
11:00 AM 15.217.1S
10:00 AM 11.413.3S
09:00 AM 13.313.3S
08:00 AM 1.93.8W
07:00 AM 1.91.9SSW
06:00 AM 01.9WSW

MYPF1 Wind Station

Timestamp: 03:54 PM EST
Wind Direction : 10 ° N
Wind Speed: 11.4 kts
Wind Gusts: 15.2 kts
Baromertic Pressure: 1015.5 mb
Air Temperature: 56 °f
Water Temperature: 60 °f
TimeWind ktsGusts ktsCardinal
03:00 PM 9.511.4ENE
02:00 PM 7.611.4N
01:00 PM 9.513.3N
12:00 PM 7.69.5NNW
11:00 AM 9.511.4N
10:00 AM 7.69.5NNE
09:00 AM 5.77.6N
08:00 AM 3.85.7N
07:00 AM 3.85.7N
06:00 AM 3.85.7NE

Free 6-day Surf Forecast - Winds - Tides

Note: The six day forecast tides are for the Cocoa Beach area and the model data we use covers Central to North Florida. The Swellmachine breakdown of the East Florida 8 Day advanced user Surf Report for wind and waves to produce the report below. The advanced user report cover the North, Central and South Florida. Also we just updated all of our reports to post all the way down to shin high..

Wed Feb 19

Wednesday surf is up all day with wave heights between 3.6 and 4.4 feet on sets. E swell; Dominant wave periods between 4.6 and 8.9 seconds. SSE winds in the morning around 15.2 knots and S winds in the late afternoon around 5.7 knots.
Low Tide0.51 ft5:39 AM EST
High Tide2.69 ft11:31 AM EST
Low Tide0.10 ft6:02 PM EST

Thu Feb 20

Thursday the surf is down. NNW winds in the morning around 13.3 knots and NNW winds in the late afternoon around 15.2 knots.
High Tide2.68 ft12:21 AM EST
Low Tide0.68 ft6:28 AM EST
High Tide2.56 ft12:17 PM EST
Low Tide0.18 ft6:56 PM EST

Fri Feb 21

Friday surf is up all day with wave heights between 7.1 and 7.9 feet on sets. NNE swell; Dominant wave periods between 7.6 and 7.7 seconds. N winds in the morning around 13.3 knots and NE winds in the late afternoon around 15.2 knots.
High Tide2.59 ft1:20 AM EST
Low Tide0.78 ft7:30 AM EST
High Tide2.48 ft1:15 PM EST
Low Tide0.19 ft7:59 PM EST

Sat Feb 22

Saturday surf is up all day with wave heights between 5.2 and 6.6 feet on sets. NNE swell; Dominant wave periods between 7.7 and 7.9 seconds. E winds in the morning around 9.5 knots and E winds in the late afternoon around 9.5 knots.
High Tide2.60 ft2:27 AM EST
Low Tide0.79 ft8:37 AM EST
High Tide2.49 ft2:24 PM EST
Low Tide0.11 ft9:03 PM EST

Sun Feb 23

Sunday surf is up all day with wave heights between 3.8 and 4.5 feet on sets. NE swell; Dominant wave periods between 5.2 and 7.9 seconds. ESE winds in the morning around 5.7 knots and ESE winds in the late afternoon around 9.5 knots.
High Tide2.73 ft3:34 AM EST
Low Tide0.66 ft9:41 AM EST
High Tide2.63 ft3:34 PM EST
Low Tide-0.06 ft10:03 PM EST

Mon Feb 24

Monday surf is up all day with wave heights between 4.3 and 4.9 feet on sets. E swell; Dominant wave periods between 6.1 and 7.1 seconds. NW winds in the morning around 13.3 knots and N winds in the late afternoon around 11.4 knots.
High Tide2.96 ft4:33 AM EST
Low Tide0.44 ft10:37 AM EST
High Tide2.88 ft4:37 PM EST
Low Tide-0.28 ft10:57 PM EST

Live Cam & Video

Flagler Pier

Deerfield Beach


The Swell Machine is for professional, intermediate and beginner water sport enthusiasts. Updated live reports several times an hour; posting wind, wave, surf and tide conditions - 24/7. Whether you are into surfing, swimming, kayaking, surf ski, paddle boarding or simply a casual beachcomber this is the place for you. This website covers all of Florida with surf reports and forecast. These reports and forecasts include the East Coast of Florida, the Florida Panhandle, West Florida, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Everyone at the Swell Machine is a water sports enthusiast and we designed our site to be a one stop shop for all surf data. We also live in Florida and play in the same waters. So we merge local knowledge into our reporting system. Our goal is keeping the machine running as smooth as possible for our visitors. Thank you for visiting the machine. Questions or comments? Please feel free to contact info@swellmachine.com